Marcus Early Career Research Award Winners

In its second year, the College of Liberal & Creative Arts’ Marcus Early Career Research Award will help five faculty members complete their book and film projects that explore social-justice issues in the U.S. and abroad.
The award, supported by the George and Judy Marcus Funds for Excellence in the Liberal Arts, provides a one-semester leave in 2021 – 2022. It funds projects in research, scholarship and creative activities. Probationary tenure-track faculty in their third, fourth or fifth year are eligible. Last year, three assistant professors won the award.
Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies Leslie Quintanilla will take her research of feminist activist art at the U.S.-Mexico border to page and screen.
In particular, she will complete a chapter of her book, “Transborder Artivist Visions: Politics of Encounter at the US///Mexico Border.” The chapter accompanies an independent documentary, “Mujer Mariposa: Voices of Womxn on the Periphery,” which features Quintanilla prominently.
Over the past 15 years, Quintanilla has shot a great deal of activist footage by the San Diego-Tijuana border. She plans to create an archive of the footage and use it in the film.