Nan Alamilla Boyd
Professor Emerita
Email: alamilla@sfsu.edu
HUM 328
Office Hours:
Mon: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.https://nanala.m.illaboyd.youcanbook.me
Nan Alamilla Boyd's academic interests include the history of sexuality, queer theory, historical methodology, urban tourism and globalization. She has published numerous articles and her book, "Wide Open Town: A History of Queer San Francisco to 1965" (University of California Press, 2003), charts the rise of gay and lesbian politics in San Francisco. Her current project explores the history of tourism and the commodification of race and sex in four San Francisco neighborhoods. She received a B.A. in History from University of California, Berkeley, and a M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of American Civilization at Brown University.